The monkey was born in an egg on a mountain top (if anyone gets that this will one suprised homonid) At an early age it (being PC and therefore sexless) was inducted in the ancient Jam Lolly Butterscotch Cult where it undertook many hours of rigorous mental training to prepare it for its future. Many spliffs later the monkey couldn't remeber why it was there and left to get a job in the city. Finding life for a 2'6" monkey was pretty tough in the city it left to pursue a more relaxed life style. Now it designs web pages to keep itself interested. But disater has struck in the form of a ghoulish sorcerer named (%%$�%&^^&*), who's name is so unpronoucible that the monkey nearly died trying to say hello. Now the monkey is ebroiled in desperate quest to save the planet and... itself, from total destruction. In a recent press conference the monkey made the following comments:

Reporter: So funky monkey the world is going to end eh?


Reporter: What can we, the hairless citizens of this planet do to help?


At this point the monkey attacked the reporter and visciously preened him.